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Only the Top Agents with Experience and Results

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About Us

Integrating Varying Data Points And Personality Factors

You may be a first time home buyer or home seller or you may have bought or sold before but it's probably been awhile. That's how real estate works. It's a fast moving industry and it's not always clear which agents may be the best fit for your needs. That's where we come in. We've done the research. We've spoken to the agents we work with. We've checked their results. We've checked their reviews. We know them. It's ultimately a matter of your personal preferences and personality but rest assured the agents you are connected with are the best of the best.

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Top Producers Only

You don't want to hire your uncle just because he has his real estate license. You want to get the best deal when buying or the highest price when selling. Average Reviews rating of 4.8

100% Free Service

This is a completely free service for both buyers and sellers. No costs or catch to you.

Sell Your Home Fast

Sell or Buy a home with confidence. Working with only the best ensures that you will have access to agents who know what it takes to sell a home quickly and for top dollar - or buy that dream home with confidence.

Fast and Easy - Guaranteed

We will compile a list of the top rated agents in your area and send it directly to you. All in under 2 minutes! We are so confident in the agents we work with that we will back up that belief. We will pay you if you have a negative experience with one of our hand picked agent - up to $500.


Homeowners Connected

Working with Over

Real Estate Professionals

Homes Sold

Days on Average Faster

More Money for Sellers

You Have Nothing to Lose

This is a no risk, free, no obligation service

How We Make Money

We charge the agents who are part of our network. You don't pay anything to us. As a matter of fact if you have any issues with the agents we send your way then we will pay you. If you start working with one of our agents and have reason to stop working with them contractually for reason of unprofessionalism or lack of effort we will pay you up to $500.

Localized Vs Nationwide

Some companies claim they can match you with a local agent but also work the entire country and have at last count over 28,000 agents. How can you know that 28,000 agents are the best of the best? Answer is you can't. We only work selected cities and markets. We have a one on one relationship with each of the agents we work with. A smaller more personalize experience is what we can promise.

Analysis Combined with Personality

We have analyzed over 25 million transactions and have spoken with and reviewed thousands of agents to curate only the best.

Saves You Time, Money and Hassle

It takes just about two minutes to get sellers matched with the best real estate agents who can guide you through the process.

Get More Money for Your Home

If you implement the wrong pricing or marketing strategy from an unqualified or unskilled real estate agent you are putting thousands of dollars on the line. Our data shows that the top 5% of real estate agents across the U.S. sell homes for as much as 10% more than the average real estate agent.

Meet Only Agents who Go Above and Beyond

The best real estate agents are incredibly thourough and professional. Crossing every 't' and dotting every 'i' when listing your home. They answer every call after the first ring, and enlist their battle-tested network of professional photographers, interior decorators, contractors, and whatever else you may need.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I pay any fees?

No. As a buyer or a seller you will not have to pay any fees to RealEstateAgentRanked. We charge agents to be a part of our network of top producing agents but only after they have .

2. How will I get connected?

Once you complete the sign up process for either buying or selling we will compile a list of real estate professionals who specialize in your area and are focused on your needs.

3. What makes the agents special?

Real estate can often times get a bad wrap. As a profession it is often made fun of and sometimes ridiculed as happens in both television and in the movies. The truth is though that buying or selling real estate is a very complicated and involved process. With new laws and regulations that more true than ever. Part of the problem is that unlike doctors, surgeons or other highly skilled professions, getting a real estate license is not very difficult. Therefore it has attracted some less than skilled individuals over the years. And these agents can appear to be skilled at first glance especially to buyers and sellers who aren't able to spot this initially. Here at Real Estate Agents Ranked we know what makes a good agent and we weed out the imposters.

4. Will I get a less professional service going through you?

Absolutely not! Our agents love that we help them get matched with qualified buyers and sellers. And again we continuosly monitor the agents we work with so if an agent doesn't work professionally with our client they will no longer be a part of our network. It's a system that self corrects.

5. Sell For More than the Home Next Door

Working with the right professional has many benefits. The biggest is probably the money you will make (or save) when using our agents. Knowing the market and how to market gets top dollar when selling. Knowing the market and how to position offers to win the listing when buying is the flip side when purchasing. Both of these mean more money in your pocket!

Find the Perfect Agent

Don't waste your time and don't lose money in the process. Working with the curated and vetter best of the best is potentially one of the smartest decisions you will ever make.

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Working with best of the best creates a win - win relationship.

Tonya and James H.

We had already moved to Florida but had a home to sell in Sacramento, CA. We needed to find an agent we could trust that was able to handle all of this work remotely. Our agent Joanna was perfect for the job. Skilled, experienced and professional every step of the way...

Sara Wilsson

I can't be more thrilled with my experience. I didn't want the hassle of interviewing a bunch of agents all of whom might have seemed good at first but may not have the level of experience I wanted. I am very careful with my time and only wanted to work with people who are good at what they do and have a level of experience..

Jena Karlis

Real Agents Ranked matched us with the perfect agent for us. Our home was on the market in about 2 days we were able to get multiple offers over list price. 100% perfect experience.

Matt Brandon

Have only good things to say from my experience with Real Estate Agents Ranked. Professional and great communication in our home purchase process. Always there to answer the many questions we had along the way.

John Larson

Would absolutely use them again for matching us up but I won't be moving anytime soon!


Feel free to reach out to us with any question or concerns you may have. We are happy to help!


990 S Broadway

Denver, CO 80209

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9:00AM - 05:00PM

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